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What Can Be Done For My Damaged Hair?

What can be done for my damaged hair?
My hair stained by chlorine or iron?
Can it ever feel natural and vibrant again?


Repeated exposure to chlorine or hard water will change the chemical structure of the hair. We recognize this damage when the hair appears straw like or reminiscent of plastic, baby doll hair. Usually the hair will take on a green, red or yellow tint depending on the type and frequency of chemical exposure. Eventually the hair strands will literally break off. It is a frustrating situation and our specially formulated No. 22 Corrective Swimmer’s Shampoo is highly effective in restoring the color, texture and vibrancy of the hair.

How does it work?

Extremely gentle, the No. 22 Corrective Swimmer’s Shampoo is the only formula in the market which contains two chlorine neutralizers – sodium thiosulfate and ammonium thiosulfate. Combined, these neutralizers will remove the green, red and yellow stains caused by copper and iron.  If stains have already set into the hair they can be removed through 3 or 4 applications of the No. 22 Corrective Swimmer’s Shampoo. Apply the formula directly to dry hair and leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse the hair and apply a softening and de-tangling conditioner such as our No. 575 Conditioner or No. 13 Leave in Conditioner.  The hair will appear light, fluffy and full of body.

In addition to neutralizing the effects of copper and iron, the No. 22 Corrective Swimmer’s Shampoo also serves as a clarifying shampoo. Used before chemical processing, the formula prepares the hair shaft to receive the intended color deposits, resulting in brilliant shine and depth of color.

Damaged hair due to chlorine, iron and copper can be restored to beautiful looking, natural, vibrant and manageable hair. We guarantee it! If you still have questions, call us today at 1-800-328-5906 for a personal consultation.